1、although the new year hasn't arrived yet! But call you early New Year blessings, you do not wear night talk, take seven to eight blind plug mush! It is narrowed toche! See you do! Forget it, or let me wish you a happy New Year!
4、every day, every hour, every second, you not vanity, the heart. This day, this moment, this one second, I am full of gratitude, send blessings. New year, teacher, you are hard!
5、I hope you have a most happy and proerous New Year.谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。
6、on the blackboard, the sun was written down, and the dawn of the Republic was held in class. The hope of the motherland is grown up here.
7、you are a tall and upright tree, the years have not been engraved on you. Under your care. The rise of a forest around you is green and lush. Bless you, my teacher. Happy new year.
9、on the journey of life, you light the light of hope for me, give me the ideal wings and soar on the ocean of knowledge. Thank you, teacher!
13、Sendhappiness, keep the smile
14、upcoming Spring Festival Christmas. By the end of the opening year of bursting with happiness, wonderful. The festive atmosphere around us was over a wave. When I look back the past, a full year. The new year opens the hope and wishes the good things to be double.
15、, tell you not to tell him, because he told me to tell me not to tell you, now I tell you, don't tell him, I told you, if he asked you, did I tell you, you told me that I didn't tell you happy Spring Festival!
16、happy wind blowing from all sides, happiness is like the snow shining bright light, happy like Yang touched every corner of the world, happiness is the gentle autumn rain, may happiness accompany you to the old, I wish you a happy new year!
17、years of life forever, friends and teachers do not run. The trickle of the trickle is not exhausted, and there is a rebirth of silver. Short messages can not, someone to communicate is true, work is very tired, orderly work in the orderly.
18、a hymn singing is not as magnificent chapter you, a piece of chalk is written the life you; thirty thousand have ever repay you for your kindness mountain, three thousand hair dye cream can compose your wonderful life. Wish the teacher happy new year and always be happy!
23、dear teacher, the end of the holiday, send you a blessing message: remember to pay attention to healthy diet and rest, avoid socializing and fatigue lead to decreased resistance caused by disease. May be appropriate to eat high protein food, such as Yuba, enhance immunity, eliminate the relaxed mood. (a selection of blessings on the new year's day)
24、true pen, describing the process with care and care, with the pen world stand together through storm and stress, the most beautiful circle appeared, because the full range of degrees of blessing, is the one and only! Happy yuan (yuan)!
25、will be beautiful to accompany you for a walk, willing to accompany you with a healthy meal, wish to be happy with you to rest, happy to accompany you chat, wish to accompany you work safe and happy with you. Wish my blessing to accompany you to welcome the new year, wish the Spring Festival happy!
27、new spring, I would like to give you the best wishes for you
28、if I am a poet, I will write thousands of poems with full enthusiasm and praise my dear teacher. Am I a poet? No, so I can only express my blessings in this short language.
32、New Year's day has passed, the celebration is less, the short message is less, and the blessing is less. Fortunately, I did not forget you, the blessing is still sent, the Lunar New Year is soon to come, I wish you a happy new year, everything is good!
33、our teacher, no fancy stage, not surrounded by flowers, a piece of chalk is their work plow; three feet of the podium, is their dedication to the battlefield. I wish all the teachers in the world happy and happy!
37、a short message, there are so many concerns, only because it bears a strong blessing, wish the teacher happy new year, happy family!
39、rain the sound of the wind, ears, flowers and applause expressed the wish of students speech: teacher your pain! Students wish you: every day "new year", always happy!
41、we met in China contemporary literature in multitude, you are a guide to guide us swim in the novel prose and poetry of the world, so that we know the Daxia novels are filled with strong literary flavor, so we love you, love you love you, sweet voice, vivid love you explain...... Thank you, my teacher! I wish you a happy new year, smooth, fragrant peaches and plums, forever young.
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