




2、Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you knos all over the !

3、Mother is a ship, carrying children and sailing in the long river of life; It is also a lighthouse, guiding us forward in the dark; Mother is the most affectionate call to you and the best interpretation of your perfect image. "Happy holidays" is dedicated to you!

4、i don't take the time to tell you this often, but i love you, mom。



7、Mom, today is Mother's Day. I wish you health and beauty forever, everything goes well, and the younger you live!

8、Mother's Day is coming, I wish my mother good health and smile!

9、mother's day came,deep in the heart,a greeting,usually less tired,more time to rest,the body to be healthy,happy to be at any time,a blessing to send,the mother's health,happy and happy.

10、Some love, buried the deeper, the more true; Some things, the longer, the more wonderful; But some love, only say, are the best. I wish mom, happy mothers day.

11、I wish you a long and healthy life and everything goes well.

12、I wish you a long life and happiness!

13、the thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother, makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy.

14、on this day weall sitba ckand think abou thow much our mothers do forus.

15、the power of motherhood than the laws of nature。

16、The greatest love is maternal love in the world, from ancient to modern and then to now, all the affection and love, selfless giving and kind. Today I want to wish all mothers a happy holiday!

17、Mom, I can't send you a bunch of Carnation cause I'm not by your side, but I hope this text-message can tell my greeting。 May you can be healthy and happy forever!

18、i love you bunches, mom!

19、Mother's Day is coming, and a sincere blessing is sent. May your mother be healthy and happy forever!

20、您就是大款的妈 我若是大款,您就是大款的妈妈。我若是总统,您就是总统的妈妈。不管我将来人生的路将是怎样,我都会永远爱您,妈妈!

21、To the most patient and understanding person I know. Thanks for being there. Happy Mother's Day.给我所体会到的最有耐心、最明理的'人。谢谢您一直在那里支持我。母亲节快乐。

22、May our mother live a long and healthy life.

23、Everything I have is a gift from my mother!


25、mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take。

26、on the stage of life,motherly love is never absent,the stage is wonderful deductive,behind the scenes solicitude encouragement,reading all the joys and sorrows of the world,warm accompany you continue. Mother's day,the main character of the future is you. Happy mother's holiday!

27、the most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother。

28、– heroine 英雄。

29、My Dear mum:(我至亲的妈妈:)

30、es from the etimes, I do love you dearly, mom. 虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。

31、I wish you a happy Mother's Day on this festival.

32、I just put a gift into the mail。 I hope it reaches you in time for Mother's Day 。 Have a very happy Mother's Day。 I wish I could be there to share it with you。

33、Mother's Day is coming. May my mother be healthy and young forever!

34、Mom,thank you so much for not only giving birth to me but also teaching me how to be a good man.No matter what will be in the future,I will always love you!


36、Today is Mother's Day and World Smile Day. Give back the most beautiful smile to your mother.

37、it's mother's day,and it's Thanksgiving. Thank my mother for years of nurturing grace,thanks for years of teaching. Mom,you are the best teacher in my life. I wish you a happy holiday!Happy day every day!

38、On the occasion of Mother's Day, send my unchanging blessing. May happiness always accompany you!

39、There may be moms all over the s, their kids . Happy Mother’s Day.

40、in this hectic world,they grow slowly with their meticulous care. Motherly love is like a stream running around us. In this festival,I wish all mothers happy holidays,I love you,mom.

41、Your tummy from day to day, but in my mind, your appearance but every day is beautiful. Children his mama, I love you.

42、The loving mother love! This love who cannot forget!

43、Mom, I wish you good health, happy holidays and smooth work.



46、Mom, you recently? I wish you a happy mothers day: water goo goo, cover the quilt, watching television, music, enfolding her tummy, watching SMS, thought that I was happy, always happy!

47、I turn my thoughts into carnations,and you receive not only flowers. More is my concern to you in the blessing!May you be healthy and happy forever!Dear mother,happy mother's Day!

48、there may be moms all over the world, but you’re the only one that matters to me. 全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。though it is hard to tell you sometimes,i do love you dearly,mom.虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。

49、When I am sad, you hold me in your arms, like the best soft grassland that full of many beautiful flowers. (当我难过时,您拥我入怀,您的怀抱就像缀满鲜花的最轻柔的草地。)

50、Let us give mother a little more love and care, even a fan in summer; Winter in a sweater, let mother moment feel childrens care.


52、Fold the paper of the soul into the most beautiful carnation in the world and give it to you. Thank you for giving me life and making you my friend and mother. I wish you a happy Mother's Day, good health and a long life!

53、I will respect you, love you and be filial to you all my life! Wish mom a happy holiday!

54、Roses are red,violets are blue.This card on Mothers Day is especially for you.

55、You use a mother's love has nurtured my soul and body, your breast milk is the source of my thinking, your eyes long with the hope of my life. My mother, I don't know how to repay you.

56、When I was a child, my mother took my hand and took me step by step; Now the white hair climbs the forehead, and I will lead you step by step; When I was a child, I wore clothes for me and made new clothes with one stitch and one thread; Now it's my turn to be filial and change clothes for you; When I was a child, my mother taught me that there are principles in dealing with people; Now it's my turn to care and accompany you to the end. Today is Mother's Day, dear mother, I love you!

57、You are the best mom that a son ever had.您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。( 母亲节短信 )

58、Children have grown up, and maternal love will never be forgotten. Mother's Day, I wish my mother a long and healthy life!

59、greet me gently, turn my blessings into sunshine-like warmth, and stay in your eyes and heart forever.

60、When Mother's Day arrives, say hello: I wish my mother health forever!

61、mother's day comes a hundred flowers fragrance,send mother's blessing with six fragrance:a fragrant send you to shake Qian Shu;two incense to you you help;three fragrant send you work good;four fragrance you do not worry;five fragrant send you a box of money;six incense to deliver you a permanent health.

62、please speak out your love for hahaha! Happy Mother's Day to your mother.


64、will be thinking of you on this Mothers Day. Thanks, mom.在母亲节里,我会一直想念着您。谢谢妈妈。

65、I love the love,I sincerely when the wood,the Thanksgiving dish,with the blessing of the fire,to make time to make them delicious food,to give me the most beautiful mother in my heart,wish mother's mother's Day is healthy and happy!


67、When I made success, your lovely face was full of brilliant smile.(当我取得成功的时候,你雅致的面庞上浮现出灿烂的笑容。)There are some joys in your eyes.(有一些欢欣在您眼里闪烁。)

68、Hey, look at your cuteness. Give you some color and you'll shine. Give you some grease and you'll get fat. Give you a rose and you'll get dizzy. Give you a baby and you won't know the direction. Mother's Day wishes you a beautiful young mommy forever!

69、May my mother keep healthy and smile.

70、爱操心的母亲 一直以来,你为咱父子俩操碎了心,而有时我们还不怎么领情。如今想想,真是:老婆伟大,咱们该死。老婆大人,孩子他妈万岁。

71、May you be healthy and always young!

72、I wish you a long and healthy life and peace all the year round.

73、mom,you're hard!Happiness is shared with friends when you succeed. But no matter when,mother will silently support me and encourage me. I sincerely wish you good health and happiness in your holiday.

74、Mother's Day is to witness your greatness and wish you a happy holiday and good health.



