



1、like the whole world of horses, with the sun brilliant!愿全天下的伯乐,能与太阳样灿烂辉煌!

2、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you.One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。

3、Teacher: I was the sun every Yilv of your blessings, each is a star I see your eyes, holding each slightest drizzle I deeply miss you, miss you.(老师:每缕阳光是我对您的祝福,每颗星星是我看您的眼睛,每丝细雨牵着我对您深深思念,想念您。)

4、What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.

5、We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy

6、have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.

7、sir, when I go to school in the little-known, but your respect, so that now I can no longer remain silent, I would say that out: Hello, teacher!(sir,在上学的时候我就默默无闻,但对于您的.尊敬,使现在的我不能再沉默,我要说声:老师您好!)


9、You are a wonderful beach, overlooking the world as I picked up the beautiful shells. I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!

10、but to make every mouthful sweet.

11、am grateful to you for your painstaking teaching and will remember it in my heart.


13、Teacher, the teacher, dear teacher! September your birthday! Students wishing you always happy!(老老师,亲爱的老师!月日,您的生日!学生祝您永远快乐!)

14、You are like a third parent We all love you and respect yo

15、We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift.Happy teacher's day!我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。教师节愉快!

16、In my mind, you are the harshest father and the kindest mother; you are an unknown hero and a famous teacher in the church.

17、We all like having you as our teacher.You have our respect and gratefulness.

18、We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your

19、as parents e from the bottom of my heart.

20、ernity; he can never tell where his influence stops -- Henry Adams


22、The best way to learn is to learn from the best

23、you have been a qualified teacherand even better friend. thank you for all that you have done.

24、a picture of simple face, which both hard hands, as tirelessly cultivating the flowers and the gardener in your season, I wish you a happy holiday!那张张朴实的面孔,那双双辛勤的双手,为培育祖国的花朵而不辞辛劳的园丁,在您的季节里,祝你们节日快乐!

25、Dear gardener: Hello! Under the hard work you have made GREat achievements,桃李满天下. Sincerely wish you a happy Teacher's Day!(尊敬的园丁:您好!在辛勤耕耘下您已是硕果累累,桃李满天下。衷心祝您教师节快乐!)

26、You've swayed my life so deeply.

27、I wish every teacher could have a sunny smile, a healthy body, you are a miracle worker, you feed us, and we deeply thank you!祝老师能每天拥有阳光般的笑健康的身体,您是创造奇迹的劳动者,是您哺育了我们,我们深深感谢您!

28、My soul is purified by you, and my sky is supported by you. Teacher, I must give you a blue sky. Wish you happiness and health!

29、appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You

30、teacher, you the bottom of my heart.

31、Success comes from your cultivation, excellent from your hard work. Cheer for today, we will always remember your original teachings and proverbs!

32、Hard sweat is your selfless dedication. Peach and plum are your highest honor. Wish you a happy holiday! Happiness forever!

33、one A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.——Henry Adams

34、My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view On this day I honour you sincerely

35、show our gratitude.

36、I miss you, miss you - teachers! Miss and blessing to you will be increasing, the good life of peace!

37、teacher, you work hard, every school is the first to you, and the last batch of home is your ”day as a teacher, parent“ I wish you glory in the educational career!老师,你辛苦了,每次第批到校的是你们,而最后批回家的又是你们,“日为师,终身为父”祝你们在教育事业上再创辉煌!

38、Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.教育儿童的教师应当享有比父母更多的荣誉,父母只给孩子生命,而教师则创造了个完善的生命。

39、My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher.On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me.What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view.On this day I honour you sincerely.亲爱的老师,向您表达我最衷心的感谢。在人生旅途上,您为我点燃了希望之光,您所做的一切润泽了我的心灵,开阔了我的视野。今天我向您致以崇高的敬意。



