1、Let me give me a sweet moon cake, along with a blessing heart!Be the first person to wish you!Mingyue is priceless, and the mountains are affectionate. May your life be like the fifteenth moon, full of round!Bright and bright!
3、Life is busy and sour, and the fate is simple and ntact intermittently, remember all the time.Pray for a long time, I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!
5、Depending on the sun, friends are like the moon.Accompany the sun with the moon, eat moon cakes, enjoy the moon, and wish a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!
7、Cut a happy cloud of clouds to set off your smile on your face; cut a good moonlight to care for your sweet dreams; wrap a ray of peace cake, warm your happy atrium.The Mid -Autumn Festival is long, and the blessing is more auspicious.
8、Friends and friends, you can touch it; friends, really hard to find.Two "moon" of Peng characters, the moon represents my heart, the moon is close to the Mid -Autumn Festival, and the text message is asked.Friends, forever!Friends, happy long stay!
10、Shangshan Ruoshui, pure in the heart; thick morals, everything can be accommodated; naturally true, heaven helps happy life!I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival and everything!
11、The most beautiful season is autumn, the most beautiful festival is reunion, the most beautiful moon is the most beautiful, the most beautiful moon cake is sweet, the most beautiful friendship is missing, ideal is the most beautiful realization, blessing is the most beautiful legend, you want the most beautiful smile!happy mid-Autumn Festival!
12、Spend a good moon day, the Mid -Autumn Festival is happy; the moon is reunion, blessing to send friends and friends: I wish life like a round moon, dreams are achieved, happiness is bright moonlight, accompanied by you!Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!
13、Occasionally busy busyness does not mean forgetting. In the arrival of autumn, I wish you a comfortable mood and greeting. This time compensation, all care, condense this text message: bless your friend.
14、The most beautiful in the world is the golden autumn, and the grain is well -fragrant; the most round Mid -Autumn Festival in the year, the laurel tree jade rabbit is accompanied by Chang'e; the warmest life is the reunion, looking forward to the reunion festival; the most beautiful season is full of happy life.Happy holiday!
16、In view of your supreme distinguished position in my mind, I decided to grab a first and send you a Mid -Autumn Festival in advance: the salary is doubled, the work is not affordable, the moonlight dreams are good, and I want to be happy.
18、Although he is busy, he runs in the Quartet.Another round of bright moon, connected in a different place.The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, you are running around, try to slow down!
19、Today, there are today, and now, the wages of the month, the awards in the middle of the week, the good mood every day, the good luck day of the day, the wealth god during the day, counting banknotes at night.Friends, happy Mid -Autumn Festival.
20、The usual busyness does not mean forgotten; the coming of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I hope you are in a mood, and the greetings owed, this time compensation together; all concerns; it is condensed on this text message.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!
21、Hate Jun is not Jianglouyue, east to west, north and south, and north and south. He only wants to leave with him. Hate Jun is like Jianglou Yue.
22、If I can climb the moon, I should grab Chang'e to make two milk for you.By the way, she killed her rabbit to supplement your kidneys.And wish your kidney like the fifteenth moon, never lose.happy mid-Autumn Festival.
24、Life is busy, forgot to leisure, right?Work continuously, forget your body?Life is booming, forgot to contact, right?In any year, I will not forget to say gently to you at this time: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!
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