2、Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love
3、This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You
5、There is a feeling in the world beyond the family, friendship That teachers care and concern for our feelings, our feelings carefully taughtI sincerely wish all the best teachers, always healthy, always HAPPY!
6、Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.教育儿童的教师应当享有比父母更多的荣誉,父母只给孩子生命,而教师则创造了个完善的生命。
7、A festival, though not in the spring, but spring Teacher, your holiday best, this day, your garden's flowers are in full bloom!一个节日,虽然不在春天,却春意盎然。老师,您的节日最美,这一天,满园的百花都为您盛开!
8、a festival, though not in the spring, but spring Teacher, your holiday best, this day, your garden's flowers are in full bloom!个节日,虽然不在春天,却春意盎然。老师,您的节日最美,这天,满园的百花都为您盛开!
9、appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You
10、We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift Happy Teacher's Day!我们送您件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。教师节愉快!
11、like the whole world of horses, with the sun brilliant!愿全天下的伯乐,能与太阳样灿烂辉煌!
12、profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more
13、I wish every teacher could have a sunny smile, a healthy body, you are a miracle worker, you feed us, and we deeply thank you!祝老师能每天拥有阳光般的笑健康的身体,您是创造奇迹的劳动者,是您哺育了我们,我们深深感谢您!
14、You are like a third parent We all love you and respect yo
15、The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.
17、but to make every mouthful sweet.
18、As parents we recognize the value of you in our child's development Thank you for what you have done
19、am grateful to you for your painstaking teaching and will remember it in my heart.
20、My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view On this day I honour you sincerely
21、Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who
22、Never forget your smiling face, can not be forgotten memories of their youth heavy. Hopefully, the moon Trinidad send Love, Hello's life blessed peace.(忘不了您的笑脸,遗忘不了青春厚重的记忆。但愿明月千里寄相思,祝福您好人生平安。)
23、Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts、The love and care you have given us will ncourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。
24、老师,颁给你五颗星的奖( 最佳老师)
25、teacher, you the bottom of my heart
26、When it comes to teaching, no one comes close to you. I give you an A+!
27、When your hair turns white, your peaches and plums are all over the world. Dear teacher, say hard to you!
28、ensure a good life.
29、grateful for your words a thousand words can not express late, for your blessings of heavenly years will not change, the teacher, I wish you good luck!
30、and peace on Teacher's Day.
31、Teachers are the kindling of fire, igniting the fire of the students teachers are stone-level, bearing the students step by step down to climb up.
32、ernity; he can never tell where his influence stops -- Henry Adams
33、We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy
34、this is teachers' day and a time to begrateful to all teachers. this profession deserves the special recognition andrespect. there is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and othersin your chosen field. you have my eternal gratefulness. have a happy teachers'day.
35、I miss you, miss you - teachers! Miss and blessing to you will be increasing, the good life of peace!
36、Teacher, the teacher, dear teacher! September your birthday! Students wishing you always happy!(老老师,亲爱的老师!月日,您的生日!学生祝您永远快乐!)
37、To Sir, With Love
38、30.The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.
39、Save a miss deep in the heart forever forever...... Best wishes for you; Miss you my dear teacher.
41、My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely.
42、If I can fighting blue sky, when you gave me to take off; If I hit the wave of warriors that try their hand that you gave me the strength, if I is not quenched the torch that you gave me youths bright!
43、We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today.
44、You've swayed my life so deeply.
45、Ten volumes of poems, nine hooks, eight cables, seven weft, six art and five books, four books and three words, two elegant, and a little work, and a little effort to take care of the state.
48、The whole secret of the teachers force lies in the conviction that men are convertible
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