




1、The green mountains are hidden, the water is vast, the festival is Chongyang; Purple orchid, yellow chrysanthemum hairpin, cool autumn flying poplar; The Double Ninth Cake is fragrant with wine, and the silver sea tells the heart; Pass blessings, send good luck, and be happy forever!

2、Happy for a long time, happy for a long time, Chongyang goes out for a walk, happy for a long time, sweet for a long time, chrysanthemums become more gentle, safe for a long time, healthy for a long time, and happy life will last forever. I wish you a happy Chongyang!





7、The reason why the old man and the comet are respected is the same: they both have long beards and claim to be able to predict events. I wish them a happy Double Ninth Festival.

8、For a long time on the Double Ninth Festival, I wish you good luck in climbing high, good luck in drinking, enjoying chrysanthemums to create heavy lifting, happy heart in wearing corns, reading friends to drive away worries, and all things are good for homesickness, and the Double Ninth Festival goes step by step!




12、The chrysanthemums sprinkle gold everywhere, and the city is full of fireworks to celebrate Chongyang. Climbing up to Huaiyuan, the wind is flying, and a cornel misses him. The autumn geese sing in the sky, and the flowing water flows year after year. May you always enjoy your happiness and happiness with you.




16、The fragrance of chrysanthemums and cornus are fragrant, so you can enjoy the Double Ninth Festival, climb high, look far, release happiness without worries, fill up the wine, respect the elderly, parents are healthy and never old, express missing, send blessings, wish you happiness forever, and wish you happiness on the Double Ninth Festival!


18、It coincides with the National Day of Chongyang. I wish you happiness and continuity in celebrating with the country. Heaven and earth bless prosperity and health, and all people enjoy everything together!





22、When the Double Ninth Festival comes, talk about the wine. Climb high, insert cornel and appreciate chrysanthemums. The autumn light is infinitely good. Let's get together for a better tomorrow. I wish you a happy Double Ninth Festival!


24、On the Double Ninth Festival, I will give you a nine piece set of happiness to catch your troubles. I wish you, as always, the two love each other happily, and you are lucky to have three lives. The four seasons are like spring, the five sons have become famous, the six beasts are prosperous, the seven emotions and six desires are powerful, and the Double Ninth Festival is much happier!

25、But the sunset is infinitely good, so why should you feel sad at dusk? May you have a beautiful and happy festival! The autumn wind is gentle, and the Double Ninth Festival is coming. Steal the Jiuzhong millet cake and prepare the mellow chrysanthemum wine, waiting to share the Double Ninth Festival customs with you.

26、Autumn chrysanthemums are charming in bloom, and the fragrance overflows from the Double Ninth Festival; Climbing high on foot is healthy, and you can enjoy yourself everywhere; Face the wind and shake your mind; Picking a dogwood carelessly can't stop your good fortune; Send blessings at a touch, and warm your heart with gifts and friendship; I wish you joy and happiness in Chongyang!


28、Make a cup of miss wine, pick a piece of goose feather, add a ray of chrysanthemum fragrance, and deliver it to you at the time of the Double Ninth Festival. Let the fragrance of blessing permeate your hands, give you a taste of happiness, and bring you unlimited luck and happiness.


30、Save grain for famine; Give birth to children in case there is no basis; As the sun wanes, it becomes more beautiful; Take active exercise to strengthen the body; With rosy face and white hair, you are full of energy; The hall is full of children and grandchildren, happy and auspicious. I wish you a happy Double Ninth Festival!


32、The greatest comfort in old age is to realize that we have dedicated all the strength of youth to the cause of never aging. Happy Double Ninth Festival!




36、Chongyang is the most auspicious day in Chinese culture. On this day when the golden breeze is refreshing, osmanthus is fragrant, and chrysanthemums are blooming in autumn, I wish you happiness and health for a long time, and I also wish your elders many blessings and longevity.








43、Jiujiu Fangchen Chongyang Crane has a long life. May the autumn wind bring my thoughts and blessings to you. I hope you will become more energetic and younger as you live!

44、When the Double Ninth Festival meets, everything will wither. My blessing will accompany you through the years, will not be cut off, will not wither, and will always be young. On the Double Ninth Festival, I wish you to welcome the autumn rain with happiness and the cold with warmth.





49、Pines and cypresses do not leave the four seasons green. It is difficult for a village to be 100 years old.


51、The rich dogwood looks at the faces of friends from the top of the peak, the pastries of Chongyang melt the deep tenderness of relatives, the chrysanthemum wine infiltrates the memory of my yearning, and the wish of reunion and happiness flies straight to my heart. May every family in the Double Ninth Festival enjoy a warm and happy reunion and peace.





56、The leaves are yellow, the autumn rain is cool, and the days are busy; Friendly, longer than autumn, happy and refreshing pasting; The heart is fresh, the face is fresh, and the beauty and charm are rippling; Blessing short, friendship long: I wish high spirits!

57、On September 9, chrysanthemum wine, with the fragrance of wine, rice and hometown. Insert cornel, climb high and look at the mountain, sky and step high. Happy flowers bloom in the Double Ninth Festival, and you will live a long and healthy life every year. I wish you a happy Double Ninth Festival and a long life!



60、In the Double Ninth Festival, cornel trees are planted all over the place, you can climb high and look far, taste wine and enjoy chrysanthemums, greet the elderly, bless friends, express your thoughts, and send your true feelings. May you have a 'Happy Double Ninth Festival'.

61、Chrysanthemum wine and health tea are very popular in Chongyang. All relatives and friends climb the mountain together, taste good wine and cakes, and appreciate the beauty of Guiguanju. I hope you can see the clear sky and get rid of your troubles, and laugh when everything goes well.







