




1、May we always maintain a child -like smile, childhood interesting, adult wine.

2、Children's Day, willing to maintain innocence forever, hug with happiness, run away, happiness will be happy, happy to embrace, auspicious and forever, I wish you a happy children's day, and the smile like children often opens.


4、Children's Day is here. Ask for insults, I feel that I am 2 yuan with a big face and 3 yuan ugly. I think I am non -mainstream 5 yuan. I think I think I am so ugly. I think I cheated.I feel that I am super 10 yuan in a super -righteous hair, and I think I am silly for 20 yuan. Do n’t be polite.

5、June 1st, I hope that the baby is like a small teapot every day. Although the little fart is burned and hot, it still blows a happy whistle, a happy bubble, a happy fart!

6、Childhood is the paradise of the world; childlike heart is the source of happiness.Children's Day is approaching, letting time go backwards, let the truth absurd, let wisdom rust, and let the worry about nothing!I wish you a happy Liuyi in advance!


8、Regarding the beauty of childhood, the heart is like a treasure.Smoked laughter, unrestrained Mercedes -Benz, full of curiosity, without long -term annoyance.Children's Day is here, wake up happy childhood, and wish you youthful forever!

9、The years are speechless, leaving only memory.Childhood is far away, and there is no regret when he grows up.The path of walking is life, and we still have youth in front of us.Children's Day, I hope you will always be childlike!


11、If there is no gift from your boyfriend on Children's Day, you can prepare gifts for your boyfriend.

12、Happy childhood is your happy castle. The unchanged childlike heart is the main thing you happy. Unlimited childlikeness is the need for your happiness. Eternal childhood is the elixir of you.May happy Children's Day!





17、In a tedious day, remember to leave some space for yourself; in the hard work, don't forget to leave a clean of yourself; in the June 1 holiday, you must celebrate yourself and let yourself return to your childhood.Keep a childlike heart and release the pressure of life.Happy Children's Day.


18、I like sweet and lovely stories, love colorful natural pictures, love joy and crystal songs, and love simple and lively thinking. This is the four beautiful beauty of the children's world. Children's Day is here. I hope that these four beauty will always float in children'sIn the world, make them happy, make them happy, and mood quotations.

19、I apologized for everyone, sorry everyone, deceived you for so long.Pretending to be an adult is so tired. In order to hide it from you not to be found that I have to work every day, I am only 8 years old this year.I decided to tell this matter because I knew it was wrong. I hope everyone will see that I am a child and give me a gift at 6.1 Children's Day. Thank you for your cute little brother and sister.

20、Other children have gifts at Liuyi, what about mine?

21、Life is simple, more dreams, simple thoughts, more happiness, crying like a child, crying, laughing and laughing, forgetting that you have grown up, childishness, happy children's day, sweet smile is a bit sweetIntersection




25、Children under the age of 12 in the unit will give them Children's Day gifts!I want Page more

26、May you be childlike, Tong Yan Yongcun, everything is sweet.

27、Although I have passed, I think I am still suitable for IQ.

28、Be a cute baby today, pick up gifts online.

29、The boy said to give me the gift of Liuyi, but my Children's Children's Examination

30、You can't deceive people who pretend to be silly. You can't wake up if you pretend to be sleeping.Reasonable, you can't laugh at the naive people.Children's Day is here, let us all older children come to pretend to be naive, taste the innocence, enjoy the beauty, and feel the happiness!

31、I want to have someone. On Children's Day, send me a big red envelope!

32、Please stuff the snack gifts to my desk, and our friendship is so simple and rude.

33、Children's Day, I want gifts, I want gifts, I want gifts!The important thing to say three times, otherwise I would not leave.

34、June limited hero little cute has been launched.




37、Recall the fun of childhood and share it with children; humming up childhood ballads and having fun with children; looking for childhood games, playing with children; telling the dream of childhood and growing up with children happily.Children's Day is here. May you slow down the rhythm of life and spend a beautiful Children's Day with your children.

38、June 1st, you must blow naive cowhide, eat some nutritious snacks, sing the song that is not tuned, and then greet a lovely friend. Happy TA holiday holiday



41、Your physical body can't pass Children's Day, but your IQ is OK. Your weight can't pass Children's Day, but your height is okay.

42、Once annual, on the day we bless all the children's Day and Children's Day, it also allows each of us to return to childhood and spend a happy Children's Day with the pure and pure heart!Happy holiday!


44、Milk tea is drunk by adults. Today I have to drink Wangzai milk.



47、Today is Children's Day. Our old -age children also come to blend, let our childhood reproduce, let childlike birth, let child fun come, let child naive, find the fun of childhood, and have a happy and unforgettable LiuyiChildren's Day.

48、Children's Day, send you a paper plane, I hope you fly to your childhood; send you a kite, have a dream, and concern; send you more childhood memories to tell you that life is the most important thing about life.Happy!

49、Today is suitable to take a time machine to be a naive and innocent baby.

50、Children's Day, send you a lollipop to wish you a sweet life, and send you a Transformers to wish you everything, send you a kite to wish you Pengcheng Wanli, and send you a crotch pants to wish you always money to enterLibrary.





