1、The years can take away your rights of Christmas, but dont go with you a childlike innocence forever!
2、Don't forget childhood by the passage of time, don't because of the busy life lost innocence, don't but from adult children's day, I wish you with a child a happy children's day!
3、Children's festival, a day to message specifically to notice; Keep in mind the following a few, and be sure to do, Fangqing reconstructs an image of the crying, wayward pee, screamed out loud; After finish please go to the insane asylum to report!
5、I wish little mind older kids happy 61! Indulge yourself, do not! Adults know that you usually installed very hard! Holidays, and want to eat eat hand in hand, I would like to wet the bed on the bed-wetting, no one cares who is on the bite! Happy Childrens Day!
6、Children guess a riddle, riddle of children is unfavorable. Keep a childlike innocence, riddle guess tong qu. If brains think slanting, unsuitable. Its not, announced the answer immediately. Strange! Happy children's day!
7、Children is the most precious natural resource. Dark spirit grand ideal, young soul saffron.
8、wukong painting a circle, tang seng security; xiaoping drew a circle, shenzhen prosperity; you draw a circle, you have a bedwetting. children, happy holidays!
9、childrens happiness, the innocence you forever! aunt is ready for you to eat the teeth do not hurt the sugar, to taste, welcome to.
11、when the peony in full bloom, swallows flying; legitimate Rose Michelia, Cherry cooked, the best time of year! Peony the United States less than you, than you cherry red, Xiaodi young girl, a happy Childrens Day!
12、under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. this time playing chase? the smiling faces of naive like flo the sky and vivid because of the birds, corals and mysterious ocean due to the desert oasis and angry because, due to the young and beautiful life! happy children's day wish! happy every day!
13、Think about in June, gathering knowledge wealth, cheer for tomorrow; A day of jubilation, sing happy today, a proud in the future.
14、Happy children's day, the innocence you forever! Aunt prepared for you to eat sugar does not hurt the teeth, welcome to taste.
16、Hey, June 1 is coming, may you keep a childlike innocence, burst into tears when a bad mood, happy happy when ground roll, wetting the bed drawing while sleeping at night, when eating snacks mouth water. Valid only on the day!
17、Received this message, beauty will be to your frequency leer, money will flow to you, you are blowing all cattle will be achieved. If you believe that you must have a child. I wish a happy children's day!
18、You are our future, it is our hope, is the most valuable wealth of our country. - I wish a happy children's day!
20、Today is June 1 children's day, wish you a lot of tong qu, childlike innocence forever in the dance the peacock not old, childhood, although we are not children's month, TongRi! But we have to childhood, children's month, TongRi, happy boy!
21、. youth is the hope of life, but the wisdom of age to growth.
22、. a socialist flower, is your ah. What happiness! You are the country's Baby, I wish the Children's Day Hooray!(m.dg15.com 工作总结之家)
23、Our lives every day to continue, born to grow mature aging death is inevitable law of nature, but if the clock back, who can refuse to the goodness of the lost childhood? Children's day arrived, I wish a happy holiday!
24、More pure, more childishness, more lovely, more happiness; Care less, less, less trouble, less sad. More or less you should do it. Happy children's day!
26、Some people say that youth is a warm and romantic waltz, some people say that youth is so daring sonata, some people say that childhood is the feast of naivety lake, I said that everybody has a merry child, wish you a happy children's day!
27、The spring is your childhood; Flowers are you smiling face. You put the teacher's teacher like a red scarf to wear in the chest, you hide the mother's nagging inside the bag. The teacher's chalk to write on the blackboard wish, wish you peace and happy children's day!
28、Who says memories are not good? Although not a holiday, consider alsohappy: I wish you a happy June 1!
30、Aspiration is the wind, happy is the sail, the blessing is ship. Wish of wind, blowing happy sail, carrying the blessing to juniors boats, drift to the happiness of you, gently greetings: happy children!
31、tender voice tender gas nursery rhymes, sing my blessing to you, wish you pure like a child; A delicate children's dance, jump out of my wish for you, wish you happiness like a child. Happy children's day!
32、Grew up love science, hit high. The young ambitious far, little ambition. To work hard to learn merit, dig at the peak.
33、pass, lets the worry secretly walk off, let auspicious tone to you, let happiness forever smile to you! Children's happiness!
34、little tadpoles to eat at a restaurant when the waiter for the next table on a plate of braise in soy sauce bullfrog, three little tadpoles embrace together, sing sadly: I don't want to, I don't want to, do not want to grow up happy children's day!
35、June has come to front, a young face, children are the future of the motherland, the children, their childhood fun, holiday came to, happy blessing, enjoy it, I wish a happy children's day, childlike innocence forever be with you throughout the year.
38、Children's day arrived, wish you used to be a child: young, keep a pure heart, has a sweet smile, child-like skin, carefree life, fantasy and vision for the future!
39、Socialist flower, is you ah. How happy! You are the country's baby, I wish the children's day hooray!
40、Top allied: blow the wind, rain the next, I'm waiting for you to call back; Allied: for you, die for you, waiting for you for a lifetime! Guangpi: send the wrong person. But I wish you a happy holiday!
42、Your life has just opened a first page, let the rising sun shine on your poem general beautiful years. Tomorrow belongs to you.
43、Forget not childhood laughter, forget childhood anecdote, whichcarries the eternal memory, where a beautiful memory, to 61,sincere tunnel: Children's day happy! May you always be happy.
44、Children's day arrived, and grow up one year old, first of all want to thank my dear mom and dad for his life, secondly, thanks to the care of friends around, at this point, we said to you the most sincere gratitude and heartfelt wishes!
46、Childrens day is coming, to bring together, consumedly square square music up.
47、Let happiness be with you hug, let difficult see you guaiguai road, lets the worry secretly slip away from you, let the good luck to you take care all the more, let happiness forever smile to you! Children, children's happiness!
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