



1、Be grateful for everyone else's giving, because he can never do so.


3、Chongyang is infinitely good, and life is advancing step by step. The world is heavy and sunny at night. Frost leaves are redder than flowers. When it is late, happiness will not change. May the Double Ninth Festival bring you peace and good luck.



6、When the autumn wind blows to Chongyang, I will climb high and look far to care about the long man. I will put cornel in my body to pray for peace. A bunch of autumn chrysanthemums will send me love, and I will pour a cup of good wine to make my wish. Happy company will always be around me in the Double Ninth Festival, and Chongyang will be happy!

7、Do not separate within 60 years, and join hands to cross the cloud and moon for eight thousand miles. Smile and look back. On the Double Ninth Festival, I wish the elderly and parents all over the world health, happiness and longevity!



10、When we arrive at the Double Ninth Festival, we have a wish to return to the Double Ninth Festival. The three gods will be happy together. At the four seasons, we will get together in all kinds of ways!

11、Father is the sky, the mountain, the water and the omnipotent Vajra. He doesn't know everything, but he loves us more than himself.

12、It is the Double Ninth Festival all the year round, and now it is the Double Ninth Festival again. The chrysanthemum is full of proud frost and fragrance; Long thought and unforgettable, the Double Ninth Festival wins the Spring Festival; A cup of good wine, two lines of wild geese in autumn, has profound and lasting blessing. I wish Chongyang a happy and healthy life forever!



15、People who do not know how to be grateful are very terrible, and can be away from them in good time, although we do not aim at getting returns.

16、It is Chongyang again, and it is difficult to get together; A homesick wanderer has worries. Climbing up to watch, I can only see my hometown in autumn, with nostalgia around my heart. Send blessings to those who can go home, and send love to those who cannot return. I wish my parents: good health and a long life!



19、Thank you for your care, for your help, and for everything you have done to me. Please accept my wishes and wish you health and happiness.


21、重阳节,9月9日,重阳节糕,菊花酒,放山茱萸,见一叶知秋;重阳节,祝福长,祝福来,烦恼走,幸福长,水流不息。 9月9日,但节日会得到祝福,我不会高高在上。重阳快乐!



24、Autumn chrysanthemums in full bloom, refreshing; Cornus officinalis is hanging high and safe forever; Go out for an outing and feel happy; Climb high and look far, and feel relaxed and happy; Send blessings with the wind and have a strong friendship: Jiujiu Double Ninth Festival, I hope you are in a good mood and happy!

25、Gratitude is a kind of cultural accomplishment, a kind of ideological realm, a kind of life attitude, and a kind of social responsibility.

26、Those who do not know how to cherish will not have a future. Only those who know how to cherish and appreciate will have a long way to go.

27、Gratitude means feeling with a heart full of love, feeling with a broad heart, and treating with a grateful heart.

28、Gratitude is born from the heart and done with heart. Have a grateful heart and a warm feeling.

29、Along the way, we fed many people who did not know how to be grateful with kindness, but finally we were treated as fools.

30、The Double Ninth Festival is coming, and you will not be alone when you go out, because your friends' blessings accompany you, your parents' concerns haunt your heart, and your wife and children's thoughts are all around your ears. All these happiness means that you have been reunited.



33、The Double Ninth Festival is a time of good mood, sorrow, happiness, high income, good career, skillful diet, never getting old, trouble free, less difficulties, and happy and auspicious Double Ninth Festival!

34、Bend down for others and pick up a good mood; Think of others and be grateful.


36、Everyone should have a heart of gratitude. He is a very ordinary person and does very small things, just like a tiny dust.






