


阳乌有二类,嘴白者名慈,母亲是本翻不尽的大书,母亲是座看不尽的远山。母亲节迈着步伐慢慢靠近,就让我们共同传递美好的祝福,你在为如何写祝福而苦恼吗?如果你对 "关于母亲节祝福语英文" 有兴趣你会喜欢以下内容,对于您的持续关注和喜爱我衷心地表示感谢!


1、Mom, I am concerned about you not just on this special day、Everyday would be Mother’s Day within the year! Hope you enjoy yourself everyday!并不是只有在母亲节这天才要特别去关心母亲,365天里,每一天都是母亲节。希望母亲能天天快乐,日日幸福!

2、in this hectic world,they grow slowly with their meticulous care. Motherly love is like a stream running around us. In this festival,I wish all mothers happy holidays,I love you,mom.

3、Though I don't tell you often, I'll always love you and send my best to u on this special day.

4、Mom, how have you been? Don't be tired any more, and don't hang me up all the time. Everything is fine with me outside, so you can rest assured! Today is Mother's Day, and my mother wishes you health, longevity, peace and happiness.

5、sotis i cry and ke you sigh,but you know that i love you so.有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。

6、Mother, whether you are white-haired or wrinkled, you are always the most beautiful in my heart; I wish my mother a happy holiday and happy every day!


8、Mom, you have worked hard. My son wishes you happiness and a happy Mother's Day!

9、mother's day came,deep in the heart,a greeting,usually less tired,more time to rest,the body to be healthy,happy to be at any time,a blessing to send,the mother's health,happy and happy.

10、the sky is the mother's smile;the sea is the mother's kindness;the earth is the warmth of mother;the Yellow River is the mother's child!Today,I can't live without a mother like this. Now I smile to you:Happy Mother's Day!

11、Wish all mothers healthy, happy and safe is our common wish!

12、Mother's Day is coming. I can't describe your kindness beyond words. Ican only silently bless you in my heart: I wish you good health and noworries!

13、May my mother always be happy, happy, healthy and safe every day!

14、To the worlds number one mom!


16、greet me gently, turn my blessings into sunshine-like warmth, and stayin your eyes and heart forever.

17、Mom, you have had a hard time these years. May the holidays fill your heart with happiness!

18、Every time I turn around, I am greeted by a hug; Every time I am stubborn, it is a smile that softens me; Every time I travel far, my bags are full of embarrassment; Every time I give, I never ask for anything in return. Mother's Day, I wish my mother all the best!

19、Gone through so many years, I deeply know, love me the person is you, mom. The numerous thoughts turns into heart to the infinite bless, silently pray for you, wish you healthy and happy!

20、Grateful mother, is she gave me the most unselfish love, she is always worried about my food, clothing, shelter, line. Thank for a mother for giving me the concern of dribs and drabs.


22、You are not only my mom, but also my best friend. Happy Mother's Day!


23、mother’s day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepare breakfast.母亲节这一天,妈妈们总会发现她们的孩子会做出一顿很美味的早餐。

24、Motherly love is the winter wind, which blows away the cold and brings spring.

25、Mom, believe me, daughter has its own reward.

26、Mother's Day is coming, I wish you happiness forever!

27、There may be moms all over the world, but you're the only one that matters to me.全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。

28、today is mother's day,you will not send text messages again,go home to eat a meal,finish brush bowl,speak freely,amuse mother haha ha,boastful mother top,mother's heart must blossom!

29、just put a gift into the mail. I hope it reaches you in time for Mothers Day . Have a very happy Mothers Day. I wish I could be there to share it with you.我刚刚邮寄了一份礼物。希望它能赶上母亲节到您手上。祝您有一个很快乐的母亲节。我希望能在那边与您一起分享。

30、Filar silk silver saw you for the children to come, all witnessed the wrinkles for children to worry, you no longer smooth hands to witness your hardworking. Mother's day is coming, just want to say to you: mother you were laborious, I love you!

31、Mom, thank you, mom. You made everything for me with your youthful appearance and selfless dedication. Happy Mother's Day to you!

32、the years of wind and frost dyed white your hair,you can not dye the heart of your love children;the passage of time to run out of your youth,you can not finish what you have to work hard;mother,nothing more than your love is greater!

33、I'vetriedmanytimestotellyou,butI'llsayitagain:Iloveyoumother. 我已经告诉您许多次了,但是我将再说一次:我爱您,妈妈。

34、etimes, I do love you dearly, mom.

35、Mother,Ijustwanttoletyouknowthatyouarealwaysinmythoughts. 妈妈,我只是想让您知道,您一直都在我的心中。

36、Mother's Day, may my dear mother stay young and smile happily!

37、the meteor crossed the night sky,the heart made wishes,mother's Day arrived,wish all the great mothers in the world happiness and peace,this auspicious message to you,do not forget the holiday for mother to send blessing,wish her health!

38、on the stage of life,motherly love is never absent,the stage is wonderful deductive,behind the scenes solicitude encouragement,reading all the joys and sorrows of the world,warm accompany you continue. Mother's day,the main character of the future is you. Happy mother's holiday!

39、your sight,spanning the obstacles of time and space,has always been my shadow;your care,through the distance of time and space,has always been installed in my heart;mother's day has arrived,I wish my dear mother a happy,healthy and safe holiday.


41、Mom, your love flows into my heart like a trickle, so far-reaching and long-lasting.

42、Love you forever, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

43、This card comes from the whole family.Happy Mother's Day.

44、Mom, not a title, but the warmest expression in the world. Mom, I wish you health and longevity!


45、To mother on Mothers Day: Thank you for all of the s all over the s do for us. Thank you .

46、To love is wings, came to your side, I deeply CARES, I can't accompany in your side, every day can only hope you happy and healthy peace, mom, you were laborious, I wish you a happy mother's day!

47、Mother's love is a wide sea, and we are as leisurely as fish; Mother's love is the clear blue sky, and we hover happily like birds. Mother's Day, best wishes to my mother.

48、a comb can not comb mother's worries,you always hang your children in your heart,raise your children and do for your grandchildren. Today is mother's day,mom,you should have a good rest.

49、Mother's love will always be with you and me. Happy Mother's Day!

50、Mom: in a foreign land I can't give you a hand into a bunch of carnation, but this message a table after my own heart, I wish you health, joy and happiness.

51、Mother's Day is coming, don't forget to send a greeting to your mother!

52、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you.Happy Mother's Day.

53、Happy mother's holiday! Your thought-provoking cannot be rewarded. Only a brilliant smile answered on a long long road.

54、Wishes for Mother's Day

55、What luck! This year your birthday and Mother's Day are on the same day. This calls for a double celebration.

56、Mom! Thank you again for your hard work, cooking us tasty dinner, washing clothes for us, making us happy! And please accept the sincere wish from our whole family,Happy Mother’s Day!感谢您让咱们一家人吃的丰盛、穿的体面、乐的开怀,让我代表一家人向您说:母亲节快乐!

57、Wife, festival happiness, the food I cooked for you, your love to eat bao you love to drink soup, waiting for you to go home. Love you!

58、Temples to the edge of the silver hair, oh the child care; Forehead wrinkles, engraved a pair of female love. Palm calluses, adhesion with the children happy. Happy mother's day arrived, wish mother happy ankang!

59、Mother's Day, I wish my mother good health and happiness!

60、the white hair of silk,quietly climbed up the forehead of her mother;her hands full of calluses,accompanied by countless spring,summer,autumn and winter. Mother's Day is coming. If you are busy and tired,remember to care for your greetings and return home to gather your thoughts.

61、Thiscardisfromallofus.Itmaynotbethegreatest,butit'sfromtheheart. 这张卡片是我们合送的。它也许不是最棒的,但却是出自内心的。

62、In the mother's eyes, the child is always a child in the child's mouth and mind, mother is god.

63、Where would we be without you,mom?

64、will be thinking of you on this Mothers Day. Thanks, mom.在母亲节里,我会一直想念着您。谢谢妈妈。

65、There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, that is, the mother's call.






