1、May the solstice bring you new beginnings and fresh starts. Happy Winter Solstice!
2、Please come to Lu Xing to promote to a higher position, and give you a bright future and a successful career.
3、As the sun begins its journey back towards us, may your life be filled with renewed hope and optimism. Happy Winter Solstice!
4、The winter solstice eat dumplings, dumplings one heart. Eat leek dumplings, let you stay young; Turnip eat dumplings, I want to wish you longevity and health. Mushroom dumplings, may your purse bulge; Eat Sam sun stuffing dumpling, wish your family harmony.
5、When the young year came, the kitchen god reported the situation of your family for one year to the Jade Emperor. There were only four words: industrious and simple. After listening to it, the Jade Emperor was greatly pleased, and gave you a year of good luck, good fortune, a pleasant family, and a happy family, and wished you a happy New Year.
7、Ate the winter solstice rice, a long line. Today the winter solstice, the sun began to come back, the spring is becoming more and more close, can let my message and my blessing like the winter sun, to drive away the cold for you, send to warm. ZhuDongZhi happy!
9、Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new year, and send away the kitchen king to welcome good luck.
10、As the season turns and the nights lengthen, may you find comfort in the company of family and friends. Happy Winter Solstice!
13、Happy New Year, accompanied by happiness!
14、Happy Ne and Dad: Thank you for everything this holiday season!爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。
15、SMS is short and affectionate, but I miss you during the Spring Festival. May your life be strong everywhere, happiness always accompany you, love is as sweet as honey, your career is successful and auspicious, and the New Year will be lucky for you, and you will achieve your dreams and create brilliant achievements. Auspicious young year!
17、When the young year comes, every family is busy. The old, the old and the young are mobilized, and they are busy inside and sweet outside. The window is bright and Brightheart is cheerful, and shopping is hard and annoying. I'll send my blessing quickly, wishing you a happy New Year!
18、Off-year, blessing, fortune, good luck to the New Year, happy every day is a king, god of wealth chasing you around, wife is obedient and well-behaved, family harmony happiness, wish you off-year lively and a wonderful New Year!
21、used to be a sheep, in the winter solstice this day even take hair and blood, meat eaten by you, for the cold. The only covet is: can I lie on the belly, feel warm.
22、May the longest night of the year bring you warmth and comfort. Happy Winter Solstice!
23、With the first ray of sunshine in the morning, I wish you good luck for a day. It's already a little year, and the weather hasn't warmed up yet. I wish I could catch a cold by adding clothes in the morning and evening. I wish my thoughts could fly to my friends in the warm wind.
26、Off-year to sweep the dust, sweep off everything. Off-year that busy people, protect health food on the table. Off-year to, busy shopping, prepare necessities heart smile. Off-year, blessing, good luck in the coming year a laundry list. Off year auspicious!
27、Xiao Li and Ming Ming.献上节日的问候上小丽和明明的。
28、When the off-year arrives, set off firecrackers, and the Spring Festival drama is busy.
29、If you are alone now, I wish you a happy New Year; If it is two people, it is also a happy year; If it's a group, please tell me where you are.
30、The streets are decorated with lights and the alleys are fragrant with alcohol. The fruit market is crowded with people, and there are baskets of oranges and oranges. There is no dust inside or outside the house, and boys and girls dress beautifully. Everyone said good off-year when they met!
31、Off-year to cut out red grilles, hang up the festive lanterns, labeled red couplets, sweep off one year, to celebrate the New Year wishes. May you prosper in the year, day time!
32、On the 23 rd day of the twelfth lunar month, every household is busy sweeping the house; Stick grilles, killing cattle and sheep, rejoicing in the New Year; Worship the kitchen king, seek good fortune, and live in peace for another year; When the young year comes, I wish you happiness and peace and a happy family!
33、Send you a breeze. May you feel Jennifer.
34、Here's to a winter solstice filled with good health, happiness, and prosperity. Enjoy the cozy warmth of the season!
36、The off-year has arrived, New Year's Eve is getting closer, the mouse tail is rich, the cow head brings the gospel, the warm wind goes by spring, the snowflakes dance all over the sky, the lights come on and the whip rings full of happiness. No matter where you are, my blessing has set sail; Happy young year!
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