




1、The festival is a time for families and loved ones to come together and celebrate.

2、Some people believe that the tradition of dragon boat racing during the Dragon Boat Festival dates back to the search for Qu Yuan's body in the Miluo River.

3、Here's to a happy and prosperous Dragon Boat Festival for everyone!

4、Let's remember the sacrifices of our ancestors and respect our traditions as we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.

5、It's time to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with some delicious Zongzi!

6、Zongzi, a traditional food made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, is a staple food during the Dragon Boat Festival.

7、The Dragon Boat Festival is sometimes also referred to as the Poet's Festival in honor of Qu Yuan, who is regarded as one of China's greatest literary figures.

8、Celebrate the spirit of togetherness on Dragon Boat Festival, a day to honor the legends and embrace the culture.

9、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people often wear sachets filled with fragrant herbs around their necks to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

10、In some parts of China, the festival is referred to as the "Day of the Sun" because of its association with the summer solstice.

11、The culture and traditions of Dragon Boat Festival are an integral part of our heritage.

12、The tradition of Dragon Boat Festival continues to inspire us even today.

13、The festival is a time for people to come together and enjoy good food, good company, and good music.

14、Let's make the most of this lovely day, and celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with full enthusiasm!

15、During the Dragon Boat Festival, the Chinese send gifts of zongzi to friends and family members as a symbol of their affection and gratitude.

16、Happy Dragon Boat Festival, let's celebrate with zest and joy!

17、The Dragon Boat Festival is also a time for people to express their creativity and artistic talents by making crafts such as paper-cutting and calligraphy.

18、Happy Dragon Boat Festival! May happiness and good fortune follow you always.

19、Let's strengthen our bonds and build lasting memories with our loved ones on this Dragon Boat Festival.

20、May the dragon boat racing bring you strength, unity and success. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

21、Sending lots of love and happiness to all my friends on this special day of Dragon Boat Festival.

22、How healthy eating zongzi, Dragon Boat Festival eating zongzi when edge water helps to swallow and digest, accelerate gastrointestinal motility; Other unfavorable choose too greasy or high fat dumplings.

23、Dragon Boat Festival is the silhouette of the remote mountains in the sunset, you still parked in my canvas; Today, but I fear of passing through, the dash away to come tomorrow, and all the details of yesterday, has been broken

24、In addition to China, other countries that celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival include Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.


25、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate the joy and wonder of life, and to express gratitude for the many blessings that enrich our existence.

26、Wishing you a fun and memorable Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones.

27、On this Dragon Boat Festival, let's cherish the importance of family, friendship, and traditions.

28、Cheers to a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival, let's paddle together and celebrate the spirit of unity.

29、The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday that falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It's also known as the Double Fifth Festival.


31、Let's cherish the memories and traditions of Dragon Boat Festival, a day full of culture and meaning.




35、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to demonstrate national pride and regional customs, as well as to foster a sense of community and unity.

36、Let us carry on the ancient customs and transmit our cultural heritage to the next generation on this special holiday.

37、Happy Dragon Boat Festival, let us cherish the values of unity and perseverance represented by this holiday!


39、Dragon Boat Festival, a time to remember our history and honor those who have come before us.

40、It's Dragon Boat Festival, a day full of excitement and energy. Let's embrace the traditions and enjoy the festivities.

41、The Dragon Boat Festival is a public holiday in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and many other areas with significant Chinese populations.

42、Best wishes on this special day of the Dragon Boat Festival.

43、The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the poet and minister Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in the Miluo River in 278 BC to protest against government corruption and tyranny.

44、On this Dragon Boat Festival, let's spread positivity and happiness to those around us.

45、The Dragon Boat Festival is a showcase of the rich diversity and beauty of traditional Chinese culture.

46、The festival is a public holiday in many Asian countries including China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

47、The traditions of Dragon Boat Festival teach us to value teamwork, perseverance, and dedication.





