



1、Fireworks brighten the sky and bloom auspiciously; Singing breaks the cold and conveys joy; Wine moistens life and emits sweetness; SMS bless friends, happy. I wish you love and laugh all the time during the Spring Festival.

2、I wish you good health in the new year, like a tumbler, a soaring career like a kite, and a sweet love like a spring breeze. Good luck every day, good luck every year!

3、New Year's greetings will never grow old. I wish you all the best. I'll fill you up twice a day, count your money in bed, and often see you giggle. May you be young and young!

4、The new year is coming. For the sake of the earth's environment and resources, please consciously reduce the purchase of traditional paper greeting cards. You can fill in the congratulatory message with a pencil on the large face value RMB and send it to me! Thank you for your support for environmental protection! I wish you happiness!

5、Hold up the wine glass and fill it with wine, forget the sadness of the past, abandon unhappiness and regret, imagine the harmony and beauty of the future, and wish happiness to accompany you forever. It's about to pass. Raise your glass and taste the sweetness. I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

6、When the Spring Festival comes, it will be full of blessings; Second, send good luck and good luck; Third, send money, money rolling; Four send peach blossom luck, sweet honey. Yunyunhengtong, happy every day!

7、Bless you: sweet love, smooth career, prosperous days and happy life; Family reunion, happiness forever, good health, eating eggs is also double yellow! Happy Spring Festival!

8、My blessings for you in the year of the tiger, such as the lush leaves, piece by piece, are full of my true thoughts! Happy new year and all the best!

9、The new year is coming. I wish you in the new year: spring is as beautiful as flowers, summer is as cool as water, autumn is as mature as fruits, and winter is as warm as a stove. The 24 solar terms are full of joy; From January to December, every month is safe.

10、Gather the sunshine of the Himalayas, gather the breeze of the ends of the earth, block the blessing of the Gangdise mountains, absorb the wealth of Bill Gates, and give it to you as a gift. I wish you a happy New Year!

11、Welcome the new year's Eve and the auspicious New Year's Eve; Having a new year's meal is fun and fun; Family reunion, family harmony and happiness. I wish my friends a happy New Year's Eve, a fragrant New Year's dinner and a happy reunion. Happy New Year's Eve!

12、Best wishesfromMark, Janet and the kids.

13、The first ray of sunshine is my deep blessing to you. The last bright red of the sunset is my heartfelt greetings to you. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I send my sincere wishes: Happy New Year!

14、In the journey of life, time is always in a hurry; In the vicissitudes of life, things always change; In the New Year holiday, blessings are in my heart; Warm spring flowers bloom again, autumn and winter come again; Missing is not shallow, happiness is still. May you be happy forever!

15、The Spring Festival is coming. With a pair of wonderful hands, cut a section of wind, blow a starting point, a kind of expectation and the call of the future; Once forgotten, a new life, start from scratch; An opportunity, a grasp, cherish it; A spring festival, a blessing, I wish you a happy Spring Festival.

16、It's Spring Festival again in the twinkling of an eye. I wish you a wonderful opening and a happy and healthy year; Monthly income growth, happy every day; Always happy, every minute is lucky!

17、Shake off the fatigue of previous years, get rid of the troubles of previous years, cut off the pressure of previous years, welcome the hope of the new year, enjoy the celebration of the new year and create the dream of the new year. The new year has passed and the dream has set sail. I wish my friends a smooth work, prosperous career and a dream come true in the New Year!

18、Safety is the most expensive, happiness is the best, happiness is the most beautiful, happiness is the best, happiness is the best, and health is the best! I wish you peace, joy, happiness and good health in the New Year!

19、Firecrackers bid farewell to the old year and celebrate the festival with blessings. Guests are full of smiles, raise their glasses and drink a happy spring. Messages send blessings. Happy new year, happy family, more than happy new year. I wish a happy Spring Festival.

20、Happy time, fast; The joy of the new year spread; Bell for work, calling; Clean up your mood and return to your post; Put aside leisure and regain efficiency, a new year, a new leap. I wish you all the best in the year of the tiger.

21、Christmas is over, and the Spring Festival is the main topic; Before the end of the year, the SMS begins: May your "money" journey be like a brocade, a person "wealth" and "wealth" like the East China Sea! Happy Spring Festival!

22、New goal, new life, happy every day; New plans, new prospects, good luck can't stop!

23、In the new year, I wish you a clear sky, a happy heart, freedom to float with the wind, good health, enthusiasm and success in your dreams!

24、During the Spring Festival, I hope the troubles are far away from you. During the Spring Festival, I hope happiness will follow you. During the Spring Festival, I hope a friend will remain the same throughout your life. I wish you happiness and good luck.

25、The sun is warm, the new year is coming quietly, good luck is gently around, happy smile, health is held for a long time, success is high step by step, happiness is beautiful year by year, peace is good year by year, blessings are slowly tasted, and the mood is wonderful every day! Happy New Year!

26、In the past year, everyone has been very happy. Thank you for your care. New year, new starting point; New wishes, new journey. I wish your whole family happiness and everything goes well!

27、Uneven; Hard work and achievements; Paid sweat and reaped success; Made efforts and got the report card; Looking back on the past year, I am glad to make a wish at the same time: continue to work hard, work hard and strive for brilliance forever!

28、The wax is warm in spring, Ding Hai is even years old, and candles and lilies are in the year of China; This evening's banquet, drinking wine and making lanterns, music and harmony, stronger feelings, and the son's heart to resist the cold winter; Wish far away, read sincerely with you, prosper Baihe at home, and be blessed to health and safety.

29、In spring, heaven and earth are full of vitality; Summer, green shade; Autumn, fruitful; In winter, snowflakes fly. Throughout the year, spring and autumn alternate. What changes is the season, and what remains unchanged is my blessing to you. Happy New Year!

30、One year's hope, one year's expectation, one year's effort, one year's struggle, one year's struggle, one year's harvest and one year's happiness start from this year's Spring Festival! Happy Spring Festival! Happy New Year!

31、Being busy occasionally does not mean forgetting; With the arrival of the new year, I wish you a happy mood, good health, brilliant career, good luck and prosperity; The greetings that have fallen are compensated together this time. I wish you a happy New Year!

32、Friends are always heart to heart, and bosom friends are worth thousands of gold; Think of virtuous friends under the light, and send good news through small text messages; Look to your friends and see the news as you see people. Don't forget your friends at all times. wish you a happy new year!

33、Throw away the troubled eggs, throw away the bitter and tired eggs, smash the frustrated eggs, and wave away the suffering eggs; Hold the happy egg, hold the lucky egg, eat the happy egg and hold the reunion egg; I wish you a happy Spring Festival (egg) and a happy reunion. Happiness is always with you!

34、When the Spring Festival comes, I will send you four "concentric circles": heart circle, dream circle, round circle; The source of wealth is blessed, and the source of wealth is found on both sides; Love and friendship, meet and have fate; Wish you a happy Spring Festival.

35、Ask air to be a postman, bind my hot greetings into packages, add a sincere postmark, and send them to you by constant temperature express before the Spring Festival. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and good luck in advance!

36、Once in the new year, realize your dreams and everything; When we meet Laba again, all blessings, all pleasures and all flowers will bloom. The double festival is near the door, and its joy is at the moment. Good luck and good luck will come and stay with you. Sincerely wish you happiness!

37、Gongs and drums are noisy and firecrackers are noisy. Red lanterns are hung and Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the door. The door God stands by two sides. Don't enter the room if you are worried. Like the Spring Festival, everyone prays for good luck. Wish you a new year, a happy life and a prosperous career!

38、Old friends, congratulations on getting rich! Go out and be safe! Often go home and have a look, life is sweeter!





