


春节在我国是具有美好象征意义的节日,这时送出新春祝福再正常不过了,春节离我们越来越近,春节祝福语写作注意事项,你知道吗?我们为此仔细地整理了以下内容《英文春节祝福语有哪些》, 希望能帮助到你,请收藏。

1、我只要你作为我的新年礼物! i only want you for new year!

2、祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.

3、祝你今后获得更大成就。On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together

4、一份不渝的友谊,挚着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温声地问侯:春节快乐!新年进步!An unswerving friendship, with thousands of sincere wishes, to my missing friends, warmly greeting: Happy Spring Festival! New year's progress!

5、新年新气象: as the New Year begins, let us also start a new

6、大吉大利:wish you good fortune and every success

7、愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。may the joy and happiness around you today and always.

8、Relic of great body,have a meal times son,tooth good appetite is good,everything is happy,everything is smooth!

9、谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year

10、一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心,一世平平安安,天天精神百倍,月月喜气扬扬,年年财源广进,所有的期待都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现,元旦快乐! Family and live in harmony,happy year,i,in peace,the spirit of times every day,month and festivity triumphantly,plenty of money year after year,all the expectations can be,all the pay can be fulfilled and happy New Year!

11、新年到,吃大餐,少喝酒,多吃菜,够不着,站起来,有人敬,耍耍赖,吃不了,兜回来!New Year's, eat big meals, drink less, eat more food, can't reach, stand up, someone respectful, play, can't eat, pocket back!

12、祝新春快乐!年年有鲜!大发口财!I wish a happy New Year!Every year there are fresh!Mouth killing!

13、丢掉心中的迷茫,抹去眼里的忧伤,祝新年如意!新的一年新的路,走吧,鲜花正盛开在你的前方!Throw away the confusion in your heart, wipe away the sadness in your eyes, and wish you a happy New Year! New year's new road, go, flowers are in front of you!


15、祝你新年心想事成,万事如意,阖家幸福。I wish you all the best in the New Year and happiness for your family.

16、万事如意,合家平安。wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.

17、Thoughts of you like curling smoke endless, blessings to you like babbling water with a lifetime, I wish you a happy New Year!

18、除夕到,在你家窗户上贴上幸运窗花,让你永远好运连连。On New Year's Eve, stick lucky windows on your windows to keep you lucky forever.

19、开心每一秒,快乐每一天,幸福每一年,健康到永远!祝新春快乐!Happy every second, happiness, every day, happiness, every year, health to eternity! I wish you a happy New Year!

20、祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.

21、May the season‘s joy fill you all the year round. 愿节日的愉快伴你一生。

22、Good friends are simple, good friendship is clear and refreshing, and good fate is long and long. Happy new year to you, my friend.

23、万事如意新年美好祝福你及你所爱的万事如意。may its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.

24、祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。with best wishes for a happy new year!

25、May you enjoy all the joys you expect during the Spring Festival. Every little thing can bring you sweet feelings and endless happiness.愿你在春节享有期望中的全部喜悦,每一件微小的事物都能带给你甜美的感受和无穷的快乐。

26、我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。my arms are wide open for you this new year.

27、祝好运健康佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year

28、新的一年,愿你生活美满,幸福逍遥!Wishing you a happy and happy life in the new year!

29、Well be here after the New Year.

30、献上最美好的祝愿。 Wish all the best wishes for you.

31、招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful

32、恭祝健康幸运,新年快乐。Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year


34、你的心上人献给你一个温柔的新年之吻。 here‘s a tender new year kiss from you know who.


36、愿你忘掉一切烦恼,开心过好每一天,新春快乐!May you forget all your troubles, enjoy every day and have a happy New Year!

37、新年好运运运好,心想事成事事成,身体健康棒棒棒,万事如意甜如蜜!Good luck in the new year, good luck and good health.

38、让时间寄去我的思念,让风儿捎去我的牵挂,让远方的我为你祝福,希望你天天快乐,永远幸福!Let the time send my missing, let the wind take my care, let the distance I wish you happy every day, always happy!

39、在新年里,我举起杯,任晶莹的思绪,悄悄地伴随钟声飘向你身边,深深地祝福你春节快乐!In the New Year, I raise my cup, let the crystal-clear thoughts, quietly accompanied by the bell to float to you, deeply wishing you a happy Spring Festival!

40、愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照 best of luck in the year to come.。

41、除夕夜,愿你快乐今宵,享受美好生活!On New Year's Eve, may you have a happy evening and enjoy a good life!

42、Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。

43、祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。 Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year

44、春已归来,让我们打开蜂箱吧,那里有储存了一冬的甜蜜。Spring has returned,let's open the hive,there a store for the winter sweet.

45、祝节日快乐,新年幸福。 a happy new year to you.

46、致新年贺忱与最美好的祝福! new year‘s greetings and best wishes!

47、祝节日快乐,新年幸福。Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the new year.

48、在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。theres no place like home for the holidays

49、恭祝健康幸运,新年快乐。 Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year

50、全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy new year

51、祝贺佳节。With the compliments of the season

52、贺新春,庆佳节,恭喜发财!过年好,万事顺,事事如意!Congratulations on the Spring Festival Happy New Year,everything goes smoothly,everything goes well!

53、岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

54、祝来年好运不断,成就连连。Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.

55、新年快乐! happy new year!

56、Let the time send my missing, let the wind take my care, let the distance I wish you happy every day, always happy!





