6、Never point fingers at me, because you said I was your favorite person.
7、Chinese Valentines Day is coming, I wish us happiness forever, husband, happy Chinese Valentines day.
8、Last night, I had a dream that there was a hole in the sky. I learned from Nuwa to mend the sky. The stone was too heavy to move. Happy Chinese Valentines Day!
10、Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy it is. Return to the world to live once, just to meet you. Your smile, your tears, are my most unforgettable.
11、My Valentines day, there is no lover, only my wife, she is my favorite, today is, tomorrow is, until I die, my heart is only her! I Really Love You!
13、I dont want to be an episode of your life. I just want to be the perfect ending of your life.
14、Meeting you is a mistake, falling in love with you is a mistake again, leaving you is a mistake plus a mistake.
15、Friends, happy Chinese Valentines Day! Did you see it? Qixi bridge is the bridge of our hearts! May our friendship last forever!
18、I want to be the first reader of all your works, and the most loyal reader.
19、A fruitless feeling, I will still choose to love you, will not regret.
20、I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, Dear.
21、In summer you help me fan, in winter you help me warm my bed, that person will always be you, my husband, Happy Valentines Day!
22、Love is beautiful, but life is always longer than love, and life needs wisdom. Optimism, sunshine, everything to the good.
23、On the night of the Chinese Valentines day, the stars are numb. Look at the fish in the water. Think of your heart a sour, only think of the original love? Happy Valentines Day!
25、When the moon is short, I miss you. When the moon is full, I miss you. No matter the moon is full and the moon is short, my heart is like the eternal moonlight, following you silently! Happy Chinese Valentines Day!
26、Let me wait in this lonely corner, silently pray for your life happiness!
28、Even if, you and I have agreed for a hundred years. Who dies at the age of three years will wait on the bridge.
30、Dear husband, you are the concern of my life, my heart is always open for you, no matter the end of the world, you are my missing! Happy Valentines day.
31、I like you. Not because I chose you, but because you chose me.
32、You are not allowed to be the happiest person in the world, because I am the happiest because of you.
34、Oh, my love, my darling,
37、Drink your wine of love, if there is no refill, I would like to thirst for a lifetime.
40、After I met you, I found that I could give as much as I liked.
43、I fell in love with you when I first saw you, And I still am after 40 years.
45、Loneliness is not born, but begins when you love someone else.
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